Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The old battlefields of the middle ages are not gone, they have merely changed form. Hundreds of years ago normal men would set out to build their empires by conquering lands through the force of arms. Today, normal men like you and i set out to build our financial empires by conquering markets throught the force of self. The blood soaked battlefields of yesterday have made way for the cash soaked commercial battlefields of today, with the large private armies of Family warlords making way for large pools of family capital. Just as armies were needed to shape empires of the past, so too is capital needed today in order to put modern commercial plans of conquest into action.

In there, lies the reason as to why many forex traders fail. They go into battle risking too many soldiers (capital) and without the knowledge of tactics needed to win the fight.
Lets look at that again. 1. They risk too much capital, 2. They do not understand Forex markets.
Many traders both successful and miserable have made these mistakes, the main reason for me writing this article is so you can learn this lesson here and do not have to make this mistake and lose money, or at the very least be cautious enough to minimise your losses.
No general will risk a majority of his men in a battle that he has no plan for and where he has no idea about his enemy. So my question to you is, why would you risk your capital in market conditions you know nothing about? Luckily two remedies exist for the forex general who finds himself in this situation.
1. Make it a rule to only risk 1% of your capital in any one trade. This is to minimise your losses.
2. Educate yourself so you can recognise your chance to strike but also recognise when it is neccessary to withdraw. Learn to read the conditions of the forex battlefield. Great generals of the past would spend years learning battlefield tactics, luckily we can achieve this in a couple of months.

Forex Currency Rate and Economic Factors

delusion conceptually propounds that intraweek and intraday FOREX currency quotes movement is governed by either improvement or by deterioration of the state’s economic situation. But in reality, even in case the actual Forex news are superior to the estimated one, the FOREX quotes up/down movement is of 50/50 probability.
This statement is thoroughly important. Once the job of Forex trader is gambling on FOREX exchange rates differential (FOREX pairs up/down movement), the following is to be realized to obtain faultless profit: FOREX pairs pricing mechanism (say at point X where you are completing the market analysis) Factors imparting growth/decline to FOREX rates (up/down from point X).

having understood the FOREX ratesfactors effective at the extra-exchange (book-maker) FOREX market and the given currency motive factors, a trader must possess distinct knowledge of whether to buy or to sell the given currency pair.