Saturday, March 28, 2009

Foreign Currency or Forex Trading

Foreign currency trading is the most profitable and powerful way to make money today in the world.It is a 2.5 trillion dollars daily global market and business.For this reason the knowledge and the secrets of how to do it successfully have been kept away from the public for thousands of years.
This is because it is the jealously guarded “SECRET” of how the “Money and Power” Elites, the multi-national and multi-billion dollars corporations, largest banks and governments of the world.
the “Movers & Shakers” of International Banking & Finance, Business moguls & Tycoons , CEOs of major Corporations,
secret societies and the privileged blue bloodlines of the Wealthiest Families of Europe and the Americas make their money and get rich.
They vast fortunes easily trading foreign currencies.
Thereafter, using this great wealth, they create factories to manufacture consumer goods and products and hire you, Joe Bloke to work in those factories, banks and jobs at minimum wages.So, it is no wonder why they don’t want you to know about the REAL TRUTH and “SECRET” on how to generate great wealth through foreign currency trading.If you know how to trade foreign currency and generate $100,000 monthly for life, will you be idiotic, naïve and crazy to go to work at these DEAD END jobs to earn minimum wages and be paid nickels and dimes?So, there has been a persistent organized campaign by the powers that be, the Money Elite to KEEP AWAY AND HIDE these “SECRETS” of creating vast wealth from foreign currency trading.Th
at is why they are always floating false propaganda and negative campaign in the mass media that currency trading is risky and you should not do it because you’ll lose all your money.If you go to your bank manager or money management advisor or investment management company and tell them that you wish to make money at home from online currency trading, they will scream at you and try to discourage you and frighten you with the false information and half truth that it is risky and that you’ll lose your money.This is because it is THE SECRET with which they make money and get rich!Citibank alone makes $20 billion dollars trading currencies yearly.Most banks, including your bank trade currencies and it is among the major ways to create income.

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