Wednesday, April 1, 2009


In Forex you are operating big sums of money, and it's always possible that a trade will turn against you. The Forex trader should know the tools of advantageous and careful trading and minimizing losses. It's possible to minimize the risk but no one can guarantee eliminating it. Off-exchange foreign currency trading is a very risky business and may not be appropriate for all market players. The only funds that can be used for speculating in foreign currency trading, or any kind of highly speculative investments, are funds that represent risk capital - for example, funds you can afford to risk without worsening your financial situation. There are other reasons why Forex trading may or may not be a suitable investment.You will be asked to deposit an amount of money, called the "security deposit" or "margin", with your Forex dealer in order to buy or sell an off-exchange Forex contract.

 A small amount of money can let you hold a Forex position many times bigger than the value of your account. This is called "gearing" or "leverage". The smaller the deposits related to the underlying value of the contract are, the greater the leverage turns out to be. If the price moves in an unpreferrable direction, high leverage can bring you large losses compared to your first deposit. That's how a small move against your position may become the reason for a large loss, and even the loss of your entire deposit. If it's pointed in the contract with your dealer, you may also be required to pay extra-losses.There's no guarantee for retail off-exchange Forex trades because of a clearing organization. Besides funds deposited for trading Forex contracts are not insured and never get a priority in case of bankruptcy. Even customer funds deposited by a dealer in an FDIC-insured bank account are not protected if the dealer faces bankrupt.Sometimes a part of the system fails if you are using an Internet-based or any electronic system for executing trades. In case if the system fails

 it can happen that for some time one is not may able to enter new orders, execute running orders, or alter or cancel orders that were entered before. The result of a system failure may be a loss of orders or order priority.There are risks to Forex trading even if you work with a reliable broker. Transactions are unexpected and are up to unsteady markets and political events. Interest Rate Risk is based on differences between the interest rates in the two countries represented by the currency pair in a Forex quote. Credit Risk is a possibility that one party in a Forex transaction may not honor their indebtness when the deal is closed. This can occur if a bank or financial institution goes bankrupt.Even the most experienced traders can't foresee with absolute certainty how the market is going to change. Therefore one should use these tools to limit losses during every Forex transaction.The simplest way of limiting risk is to use stop-loss orders. A stop-loss order consists of instructions how to exit your position if the price comes to a definite point. When one takes a long position and expects the price to go up he or she puts a stop loss order below the current market price. When one takes a short position and expects the price to go down he or she puts a stop loss order over the running market price. Stop loss orders are often used together with limit orders to automatize Forex trading.

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